Private Day Nurseries Ltd
The Holmstead 01274 562628
The School House 01274 510988
"Kiddi-crèche days are happy days!"

Your Young Child

Don't expect clean children at the end of a session! We like to make mess and explore freely, under close supervision from practitioners who are on hand to ensure safety and enhance learning at every opportunity. Outdoor play is embedded in our daily activities and young children participate in long periods of time outdoors. In summer we provide protection from the sun and in winter we wrap up warm and pop out for shorter periods.
Young children begin to express themselves through language and communication. Short stories with props, singing, movement and dance all play a large part in the nursery day. Positive relationships with familiar practitioners provide a secure base from which to develop further. Relationships with families remain vital as we nurture your young child and help them to understand and manage their emotions. Your child will enjoy their experiences with us.
"My mummy and daddy think you are wonderful and thank you from the bottom of their hearts for all the love and care you've given me right from the start when I was a little bouncing baby boy of 3 months."

Here at Kiddi-crèche we share this stage between two nursery rooms Tweenies and Toddlers.
As your child grows physically and cognitively they require a little more action. Our Tweenie room allows a gentle transition maintaining the close intimate atmosphere of babies with the introduction of numerous activities that are planned daily to respond to children's interests and development matters.

Around the age of two your child will be given the opportunity for a little more independence in our Toddler room. Again the transition will involve short visits with a familiar practitioner alongside while they build new relationships with Toddlers staff. Children become familiar and feel comfortable with their new surroundings and there is so much to do in here!
Stronger friendships between peers form and group play, turn taking, compromise and co-operation are all new skills to be mastered. We evaluate, assess and plan for children's individual learning through a world of play that excites and encourages investigation. The learning environment promotes independent thinking by giving the children access to an extensive range of materials and equipment. Practitioners are trained to enhance learning and development through the most up to date principles and strategies.